Tuesday 9 October 2012

'Is it Ryan or Rhys....? Oh, I'll just publish it anyway'

In last week’s lecture, Elaine Ford said the basics of journalism still applied to online journalists. Names and fact checking remain as important as ever. If only our colleagues at Fairfax had been in the lecture. 

On Monday, the Brisbane Times, Sydney Morning Herald and other Fairfax news websites broke the story about a series of controversial text messages between (former) Federal Speaker Peter Slipper and his former staffer James Ashby. 

The story also revealed the identity of the person who introduced Slipper to Ashby as Ryan Reynolds and alleged he was Ashby’s ‘lover’. Well, not quite. While the Fairfax sites called the middle-man Ryan Reynolds, his correct name is actually Rhys Reynolds. 

Ryan Reynolds is a Hollywood actor and heart-throb among the ladies. Rhys Reynolds is a former Sunshine Coast Council candidate and university student. There’s just a small difference.

But if that wasn’t embarrassing enough for Fairfax, the real Reynolds took to facebook to publicize the gaff and say he’d never been in a relationship with Ashby. 

The reporter who broke the story, Jessica Wright, later tweeted the real Reynolds and apologised for the errors. 

Perhaps this embarrassing scenario will be the catalyst for our Online Journalism staff to change the subject’s first assessment on speed vs accuracy and give more weighting to accuracy? 

After all, what’s more important, getting the news first or getting the news right? We’ll leave Fairfax to answer that question.

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